Hi, I'm Suraj, Learning Development and cloud native technologies, and

worked on this project as to learn cloud and DevOps tools.


Future Ready Talent,

Azure cloud Internship, JAN 2022

Training and placemnet cell, College

Internship for Frontend web development, JULY 2022

Smart Internz

Android application development Internship, February 2021



  • Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, Go, Bash, SQL
  • Tools

  • Angular, React, Nodejs, MongoDB, MySQL
  • Git, Jenkins, Docker, Azure, Kubernetes, Terrafom, ArgoCD, Datree, Ansible, Prometheus, Graffana, LENS etc.
  • jupyter-Notebook, Numpy, AWS, Linux, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib
  • Projects


    Azure-Cloud-platform-Services, A- Complete-Production-level-online-store, Processes : Completed a hands-on project that showcased Azure's powerful tools for building applications Developed by Chris Tremblay. This Project covered Setting up CI/CD pipelines into Azure App Service and Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure DevOps Pipelines and GitHub Actions. Creating a resilient N-tiered architecture for the Pet Store Application and Services. Implementing correlated telemetry for end-to-end reporting in Azure Application Insights. Securing user authentication with Azure B2C.Ensuring API management with rate/quota limits. enabling Blue/Green deployments via deployment slots. Crafting functional Spring Boot code with Azure SDK integrations. Incorporating Azure Serverless technologies (Logic Apps and Function Apps), Power Apps, and Azure Service Bus for added capabilities. This project provided a comprehensive showcase of Azure's capabilities in modern cloud application development

    Email/SMS Spam classifier

  • Build for the future ready talent cloud Internship a simple binary classification python ML-project deployed to Azure cloud
  • Mainly used Numpy,Pandas,nltk,Scikit-learn,matplotlib, Docker and Azure Container Instances and Web Apps Service
  • Grocerry Android application

  • Build for the Smart-Internz kotlin Android-studio learning based Internship
  • A simple android application for Grocerry list
  • Andorid-studio
  • TPC website

  • Worked on the Frontend part for the web-dev Internship Under Training and placement cell of our college
  • Created web-pages for home-login-dashboard etc.
  • Used Angular Framework and node-package-manager
  • Weather-app

  • As part of a MLH-hackathon worked on creating a current weather-and-time application for any city given city around the world
  • Used Angular for the frontend and a great UI design reference from dribble
  • APIs used- Wheather-API, Unsplash-API for the background Image for the city searched
  • azure-resume

    Built a digital resume integrated into GitHub and hosted on
    Azure with Blob Storage, Azure Functions and CosmosDB.
    Developed a CI/CD workflow with GitHub with proper setup jobs such as the
    Concept of Purging CDN writing with some integration test as well and finally,
    deployed it as a static web app with a serverless database on Azure.
    main Service utilised:
    Azure Storage, Azure CosmosDB, Azure Functions, Azure-CDN

    Jenkins Pipeline for Dockerized Django Notes App Deployment on AWS

    Employed Jenkins CI/CD pipeline to automate deployment of a Dockerized Django Notes App onto AWS EC2.
    Utilized GitHub repository and webhooks for seamless integration and updates.
    Docker, Jenkins, EC2, Github-webhooks


    This project aims to create a robust CI/CD pipeline for deploying a Maven-based Java application on an AWS EC2
    instance. It uses tools like Jenkins, Maven, Docker, and SonarQube for automation. Additionally, ArgoCD on a
    local Minikube Kubernetes cluster manages Kubernetes deployments, ensuring efficient software delivery.

    Implemented Three tier Architecture

    AWS components Involved- VPC, ASG, Route53, CDN, ELB, S3, NAT, API Gateway. Implemented a three tier Architecture that is highly available and scalable using Terraform deployed the application on AWS EC2 Instances using the User Data Script.


  • B.Sc Electronics(Hons) Maharja Agrasen college, Delhi University
